Emerging Leader Program
Equip your emerging leaders to form
a high-performing culture.
Who it’s for
This program is designed for the emerging leader who is eager and ready to develop critical leadership competencies and an influential executive presence. In this program, leaders will learn the skills and strategies to attract, motivate, retain, lead, and manage their people. As a result, leaders will improve the company bottom line and meet strategic objectives, transforming how the business operates and succeeds.
Building skills around authentic leadership, developing, and sustaining high-performing teams, championing change, and managing and enabling your people will translate into a stronger personal brand power.
This program is suitable for leaders from every industry and at all levels.
What to expect
Four, 3-hour workshops (Total of 12 hours of training)
These workshops can be delivered in-person or virtually and are highly interactive with lectures, videos, group discussions, pair/group activities, polls, scenarios, and more.

Our program modules and learning objectives
Module 1
Leading with Authenticity: Why Should Anyone Follow You?
- Define inspirational leadership
- Explore trust as an intrinsic motivator
- Identify the benefits of deploying strong leadership skills in business
- Consider the cost of the absence of effective leadership in an organization
- Determine how the utilization of leadership skills and traits can further develop you as a leader
Module 2
Developing and Sustaining High-Performing Teams
- Review key concepts from Module 1 on Leading with Authenticity
- Discuss how a strong team dynamic is critical for success and how it can benefit you and your business
- Assess your personal core values
- Calculate the direct and indirect costs of conflict to an organization
- Determine the fundamentals of a cohesive team
- Discover how strong, congruent teams impact the perceptions of others
Module 3
Building Stronger Communication Tactics and Leadership Presence
- Review key concepts from Module 2 on Developing and Sustaining High-Performing Teams
- Recognize the importance of communication as a leader
- Discuss how perception plays a role in how we communicate both effectively or ineffectively
- Examine challenges with communicating effectively with team members (up, down, across) and customers/clients
- Review strategies to create an executive voice, foster transparent and effective communication and be confident to disagree when appropriate
- Discuss tactical tips to adopt effective verbal and non-verbal communication that resonates with the audience and encourages others to speak up and adapt to change
- Simulate various communication scenarios (internal and external communication) to put into practice communication strategies learned
Module 4
Engaging in Healthy Workplace Conflict and Difficult Conversations
- Review key concepts from Module 3 on Building Stronger Communication Tactics and Leadership Presence
- Review the ramifications of not addressing conflict productively
- Discuss best practices of giving and soliciting feedback, and why doing so can impact your career in a positive way
- Review the building blocks of conflict to reflect on individual motives
- Explore steps to resolving conflict, bringing the right strengths and communicating in the right style
- Practice effective conflict resolution through hands-on scenarios
To create a robust learning experience, leaders will receive pre-work and homework assignments to prepare for classroom participation and content. Trainees will also receive post-training additional resources to further dive into concepts and allow for more tactical application of learning on-the-job. All trainees will complete an Individual Leadership Development Plan (ILDP) upon completion of each module to chart their action plan and track progress of each goal.
Additional program modules and topics
Workshop Options
Workshop |
Participants |
Half day workshop | 1-25 | |
Half day workshop | 26-50 | |
Half day workshop | 50+ | |
1:1 Coaching | Unlimited* |
*Note: Scheduled coaching sessions are flexible! They can be monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, etc. In addition, scheduled calls can be 30-minutes, 45-minutes, or 60-minutes in length.
BC Grant Information
The information below is from the BC Employers Training Grant (BC ETG) website:
What is the B.C. Employer Training Grant program?
The Province of British Columbia is committed to building a strong economy. A skilled workforce is essential for strong, sustainable and balanced growth. Building an agile and resilient workforce—one with the right mix of skills to respond to the evolving demands of the labour market—provides B.C. enterprises with a strategic competitive advantage for productivity and innovation.
For individual British Columbians, skills development increases participation in the labour market and provides a key to adapting to the changing world of work.
Receive up to $300,000 for Skills Training
The intent of this program is to help British Columbians access the skills training required to adapt to the labour market’s changing job requirements, while also encouraging employer involvement in skills training.
The Employer Training Grant helps employers pay for training, which in turn helps employees experience increased job security or move into better jobs.
Employers can apply as often as they need and receive up to 60-80 per cent of the cost of training up to $10,000 per employee, with a maximum annual amount per employer of $300,000.